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Pogo Metallic Jump Cue

Pogo Metallic Jump Cue

Regular price $560.00
Regular price Sale price $560.00
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The Pogo Metallic Jump Cue is designed to maximize jump performance in two ways. It features a shorter combination of the shaft and the first section of the butt, making it easy to jump one ball distance between the cue ball and the object ball. The second way is when using the total length of all sections, long jumps are easily performed while even drawing the cue ball after the jump is completed



Cues are handcrafted once your order is submitted. Current lead times are averaging 4 - 7 weeks.

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Product Specifications

Tip: G10
Ferrule: 0.5" Phenolic
Pin: 3/8x10
Forearm: Straight Grain Maple
Wrap Style: No Wrap
Bumper: Push-in rubber bumper